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R.I.Y.L. Wilco, Uncle Tupelo, Whiskeytown, Drive-By Truckers*Download the Debut Single “I See You” *
Any band can make a record, but it takes a great actto make an album that truly breaks the boundaries of rock n' roll. MeetTRUCKSTOP DARLIN', hailing from Portland, Oregon that will bring you on theride of a lifetime.Taking a page out of the Alt-Country songbook, TRUCKSTOPDARLIN' show off influences of Wilco, Uncle Tupelo, and hint of Whiskeytownright from the start. The group is gearing up to release their latest album Hopeand the Heart It Breaks on June 5th with eager ears awaiting.
To hold you over until then, the band has released their debut single from therecord titled “I See You. This proves to be a stunning piece of music thatblends rock and country beautifully. With singer John Phelan's smooth yetscratchy vocals over the perfect combination of pedal steel, roaring guitars,and handpicked notes, TRUCKSTOP DARLIN' will quickly make their name in themusic world amongst fans and critics alike.TRUCKSTOP DARLIN' is John Phelan (Vocals, Guitars), NickFoltz (Bass, Vocals), Michael Winter (Pedal Steel) and Ben Blankenship (Drums).Formed in 2010, the band has been winning over the hearts of music listenersfrom the beginning with their special brand of nitty gritty rock n' roll.TOUR DATES May 10 - Caldera Taphouse / Ashland, ORMay 11- Firehouse Lounge / Anderson, CAMay 12- Little Red Lion / Eureka, CAMay 26- Folklife Music Festival / Seattle, WAJune 8- Hi-Dive / Seattle, WAJune 9- Star Theater / Portland, OR (cd release show)June 20- Humpy’s / Anchorage, AKJune 21- Salmon Bake / Denali, AKJune 22- Salmon Bake / Denali, AKJune 23- Taproot / Anchorage, AKJune 24- Fairview Inn / Talkeetna, AKJune 27- TBA / Seward, AKJune 28- TBA / Anchorage, AKJune 29 – Brown Bear Saloon / Indian, AKJune 30- Down East Saloon / Homer, AKJuly 20- McMenamin’s Amphitheater / Wilsonville,ORJuly 21- Boon’s Treasury / Salem, ORAug 16- TBA / Hood River, ORAug 17- TBA / Portland, ORAug 30- TBA / Nashville, TNAug 31- Walnut House / Murfreesboro, TNSept 1- TBA/ Chattanooga, TNSept 4- TBA/ Birmingham, ALSept 5- TBA / Athens, GASept 6- TBA / Savannah, GASept 7- Five Points Pub / Columbia, SCSept 8- Pour House / Charleston, SCSept 11- TBA / Charlotte, NCSept 12- TBA / Winston-Salem, NCSept 13- TBA / Raleigh, NCSept 14- TBA / Louisville, KYSept 15 – TBA / Cincinnati, OHSept 17- TBA / Indianapolis, INSept 18- TBA / Normal, ILSept 19- TBA/ Lincoln, NESept 20- TBA / Fort Collins, COSept 21- Three Kings Tavern / Denver, COSept 22- Burt’s Tiki Lounge / Salt Lake City, UT
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