Within the first frenetic minuteof "The Best," Starring fold a delay bubble into a Farfisa freak-outinto a Neu!-ish buildup and shove everything inside a tiny room that'svibrating with processed drums and tattoo-gun percussion. Then, wait - was thata jazz flute solo? Like the alphabet-soup title of the full-length album itappears on, "The Best" packs a sundry spoonful of familiar sounds andsweet surprises into a restive five-minutes and change." - SPIN
In support of their upcoming new album titled "ABCDEFG-HIJKLMNOP-QRSTUV-WXYZ" outJune 12th on Northern Spy Records, Brooklyn-based kraut-punkoutfit Starring is announcing an upcoming appearance at thisyear's Northside Festival taking place June 14th at Brooklyn'sPublic Assembly. Appearing with the band include Chain and The Gang, MuccaPazza, Magik Markers, Dope Body, Dustin Wong and more.
The band will also be announcing additional summer tour dates coming soon,including a stop at Spy Music Festival taking place at 285Kent Ave on July 7th where the band will perform alongside label-matesWhite-Out + Charles Gayle and others.
Starring Live
05/23/12 Columbus, OH - Ace of Cups ^
05/24/12 St. Louis, MO - El Lenador ^
05/25/12 Chicago, IL - Empty Bottle ^&
06/14/12 Brooklyn, NY - Public Assembly (Strange Victory Touring / NorthsideFest Showcase) *
07/07/12 Brooklyn, NY - 285 Kent Ave. (Spy Music Festival) %
^ = w/ Bobby Conn
& = w/ Cave
* = w/ Chain and The Gang, Magik Markers, Mucca Pazza, Dope Body, Dustin Wongand more
% = w/ Dustin Wong + Dan Friel, White Out + Charles Gayle, PC Worship
About Starring:
Northern Spy Records announces a full-length album from avant-rockexperimentalists Starring. Playful stalwarts of the BrooklynDIY scene, last year Starring holed up in BrooklynsSt. Cecilias Church with producer MattMehlan (frontman of Skeletons and collaborator with Congoronics vs Rockers) tocompose an album of six compositions they call ABCDEFG-HIJKLMNOP-QRSTUV-WXYZ.
Starrings ABCDEFG-HIJKLMNOP-QRSTUV-WXYZ combinesminimalist musical patterns with dreamy poetry to create a new stylefront-woman Clara Hunter likes to call sparkleprog. It captures the frenetic energy of thebands live show, but here it is overlain witha new palate of synthesizers, delay effects, drum processing, aux percussion,and vocals that create delicate, but sometimes radical juxtapositions betweenthe lyrical and the experimental. Though songs like thebest and aphonia channel the loud, raw, and repetitive circuspunk of Starringsearly releases, much of this record speaks with a broader sense of expressivedepth.
Over the course of the albums six cuts,choruses soar at monstrous heights framed by mechanical and occult trances.Dead jazz turns up with fuzzy 8-bit solos, whistling synths pipe beneathghostly choral arrangements, viola lines in Turkish modes swoop into ornamentedcurls and loops, and singer Clara Huntersgirlish vocals whisper the records secretswith surreal, woozy melodies. Concretely, the album reflects an aesthetic thatrecalls the classic sounds of European prog rock (Magma, Faust, Neu!), theunhinged grit of 1970s New York no wave artists likeSuicide, the earliest cuts from minimalists like Terry Riley and Philip Glass,and even a dose of post-rocksstrung-out improvisations.
Album art courtesy of Alex Ness
1. the best
2. ie
3. ---------ooooooooooo
4. aphonia
5. ....7....
6. wo
For more information, visit:
Starring on Facebook
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