23 Mayıs 2012 Çarşamba

Brooklyn's Woodpecker to release new LP, "Thanks Anyway" July 24!

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Photo: Henry Hung 
“...clever, wordy lyrics (Slim Shady is namechecked) and sophisticated hooksbetray a penchant for indie pop.”
— Time Out New YorkWhat started as something of a lark involving bluegrasscovers of classic punk and hip hop tunes has snowballed into theAmericana-infused present tense singularity of Woodpecker's Thanks Anyway. TheBrooklyn-based septet calls forth the spirit of their hometown through aleft-field indie-folk hue one wouldn’t generally associate with NYC. Veteransof film and music festivals such as CMJ, Rooftop Films, McCarren Park Pool andBluergrass Music Festival, Woodpecker claims a diverse membership, withprevious bands spanning from Joan of Arc to MuchasBluegracias, from Nihiti to The WhistlingWolves. Their combination of banjo ramble with cello fluidity loosensup the listener to a conversation-like narrative courtesy of filmmaker frontmanJosh Steinbauer, whose eviscerating witticisms stick it to lost lovers andelevator farters alike, all with knowing, tongue-in-cheek aplomb.
NEW MP3 (Cleared to post): Woodpecker - "Every Boy In NY"
 Woodpecker’s 2008 debut F-hole washighlighted by the fractured realism of "So You're The Guy Who's Going ToMarry My Ex-Girlfriend."  The manifesto, which many wishthey had penned to old flames, is deliv- ered as a mature, matter-of-factstatement about a unique stage in a relationship which somehow manages to fitin a pedophile joke without sacrificing the song’s sincerity. The band’s senseof humor is a gentle blanket wrapped around the somber reflections of theiracoustic oeuvre — Woodpecker makes serious music without taking themselvesseriously.

Flash forward to 2012 with the anticipated sophomore effort ThanksAnyway, and we find Woodecker at the height of a newly-craftedsubgenre. The punk energy of Andrew Jackson Jihad collides with SufjansStevens-inspired alt-folk, ultimately culminating into a fully realizedtapestry all their own. With half the musicians doubling as filmmakers, themelodies often play like a soundtrack to Steinbauer’s chronicles. Intelligentdissections of affected drama (“Movie People") unfold alongside love songsdrenched in the blood curdling screams of zombie victims (“Married To TheMovies"). Like a collection of shorts filmed on location,their hometown breathes behind them in tracks like "Old Photos Of ConeyIsland In The Queens Museum V. Coney Island This Afternoon" and "IfYou See Something..."; the latter focusing on that definitive moment whenone must choose between approaching or ignoring an ex spotted in the subway.Clever one-liners make themselves known for an instant, prior to theirenvelopment in lush strings and pensive hooks. From the wistful melody of"Every Boy In NY" to the sonic bombast of Lynch/Badalamenti inspired"Black Lodge," Woodpecker has staked its claim throughthe warm melancholia of Thanks Anyway.Artist - Woodpecker
Album  - Thanks Anyway
US Release Date - July 24, 2012
Label - S/R

01. Every Boy In NY
02. Old Photos Of Coney Island In The Queens Museum V. Coney Island ThisAfternoon
03. Movie People
04. Married To The Movies
05. Matt & Ben
06. Paperbacks With Paragraphs
07. The Processional
08. Scrabble Travel Set09. If You See Something...
10. A GH1 With A 20mm Pancake Lens And Whatever Else We Lost That Day
11. Black Lodge
Woodpecker onlineWoodpecker on FacebookWoodpecker on MySpace

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