Listen to new song "Post-American" exclusively@!
"...a dissonant, malformed anthem that finds the hooks between salvosof noise and mathrock riffage." - DECIBEL
In support of their upcoming new EP titled "EasyListening," out May 22nd on Concession Records, Canada'spummeling angular punk trio Greys have premiered the leadofftrack to their latest release, entitled "Post-American," currentlystreaming exclusively at
In addition, the band is preparing to kick off a series of spring and summerNorth American tour dates later this month, taking the band throughout themajority of Canada and into the States, including an appearance at this year'sSled Island Festival in Calgary. Greys have also announced they will bereleasing their new EP in a limited cassette run format via Pint-Sized Records(also available May 22nd).
About Greys' "Easy Listening"
"Those who grew up in the 90s with a penchant for noise rock will findthemselves right at home with Greys, but they aren't just scream therapy forthe older crowd." - Alternative Press
"The group isnt afraid ofthrowing in powerful hooks, never shies away from an almighty stoner riff andwill not be convinced that compromise is anywhere in the cards... this hitshard, fast and without apology, the way that HüskerDüs Land Speed Record did. Of course, thisoutfit has more in common with Damaged-era Black Flag and Fugazi than Bob Mouldand the boys, but the intensity is undeniable. Smart and powerful, thiscollection of songs is like sprinkling angel dust on your oatmeal." - PopMatters
"...loud, raucous and full of attitude. The four-piece resurrect punk andhardcore vibes from the '90s, proudly wearing their Fugazi and Drive Like Jehuinfluences. But this is far from a tribute record - Greys find the space toimprint their sound overtop the obvious origins. Lead singer and guitaristShehzaad Jiwani is a force able to command melodic interludes, as well asinject intensity via gritty screams. It's the perfect balance that displays theheight of Greys, mixing the past with a math rock approach that meshessuperbly." - Exclaim!
Indexing a bunch of influences when describing a band kind of misses the point.Nothings original. Not even theblogosphere-favorited who layer reverb-y tape loops while accompanyingthemselves on washboard and yowling into six echo mics in Icelandic. Fine. Butisnt the whole point to pretend like weve heard this before? So letsget the referential, namedrop-y, Recommendedif you like... stuff out of the way ASAP.
Torontos Greys play loud,feedback-fueled, angular riffs that sound a bit like if John Reis wasfucking Duane Denison in an overly-lit, dead-end of Americamotel room, and then Dave Grohlbarrelled in wearing a lampshade onhis head and sprayed beer on everyone and spilled bong water all over theburnt-out broadloom carpet and there was, like, a Fugazi posteron the wall, and then someone put on a Greys tape. Itslike if a band you liked sounded like another band you liked and then you likedit. Thats enough, right?
What Greys has that shitty bands dont have is asense of history, of being connected to the broad, unruly narrative of rock and roll. On theirdebut release, 2011s Ultra Sorta EP,the quartet indulged their taste for sludgy, guitar-driven rock that you couldmaybe call post-hardcore, but only if you mean that it was so post-hardcore that itdoubled back on itself and just became straight-ahead rock music again. Theirlatest EP, Easy Listening, was recorded at Toronto'sprestigious Chemical Sound studio and it sees the band expanding, gettingheavier, softer, faster, slower, melodic and atonal at the same time, withoutbeing all ostentatious and arty about it. The fact that they recorded theentirety of the new release live to tape is just another way of giving lesserbands the finger with one hand while grabbing their gigantic cajones with theother.
Even more impressive is that the band got together just over a year ago, inlate 2010. In that time, they've toured across all of Canada and the UnitedStates, recorded two EPs, received coverage from Alternative Press, Exclaim!,PopMatters and several more, and have been asked to perform at festivalsincluding North By Northeast, Halifax Pop Explosion, Pouzza Fest, and2011's invite-only incarnation of The Fest in Gainesville, FL.Their odometer read something like 45 000 kilometers in just six months, butwho's counting?
The four kids, only barely in their 20s for Christ's sake, have already giggedwith Mike Watt, Young Widows, Marnie Stern, Tera Melos, Braids,NoMeansNo, Algernon Cadwallader, Living With Lions and BySurprise, all the while playing hometown gigs with their buddies in BurningLove, DD/MM/YYYY, Indian Handcrafts, Teenage Kicks, Spitfist, Rituals, TheJunction, TV Freaks and plenty more, holding their own at each show.
That theyre a) good; and b) have earned it wouldbe fine, but add to this a welcome sense of humor both on stage and off (see:song titles nodding at The Simpsons and Twin Peaks and all the other shit youlike), and youve got a band thats not only good but instantly likeable. And cool. And withoutreally acting like theyre trying to be. And withoutreally acting like theyre trying to not try to be.
So, Greys. Recommended if you like: Greys.
Watch the video for "Cascades" here!
Greys Live
5/11 Welland, ON @ Rex Hotel
5/12 Toronto, ON @ Cinecycle
5/18 Montreal, QC @ Theatre Ste-Catherine (Pouzza Fest)
5/19 Fredericton, NB @ FStudio
5/20 Charlottetown, PEI @ Babas
5/21 Halifax, NS @ Gus Pub
5/22 Saint John, NB @ Pub Down Under
5/23 Providence, RI @ AS220
5/24 Long Island, NY @ TBA
5/25 Williamstown, NJ @ 1619 House
5/26 Lowell, MA @ Dirty Douglas
5/27 New York, NY @ Fat Baby
5/29 Philadelphia, PA @ Model Home
5/30 Pittsburgh, PA @ Intermission Lounge
6/11 Windsor, ON @ Phog Lounge
6/13 Grand Rapids, MI @ Mulligans
6/14 Chicago, IL @ Gnarnia
6/15 Milwaukee, WI @ Scheme City
6/17 Winnipeg, MB @ Frames Gallery
6/20 Edmonton, AB @ Wunderbar
6/23 Kamloops, BC @ Little Big House
6/24 Abbotsford, BC @ Aftermath
6/26 Tacoma, WA @ New Frontier
6/29 Victoria, BC @ Cenote
6/30 Nanaimo, BC @ Crace Mountain
7/01 Vancouver, BC @ Zoo Shop
7/04 Edmonton, AB @ Wunderbar
"Easy Listening" Track List:
1. Post-American
2. Cascades
3. The Way of All Flesh
4. Gladhander
5. Queen of the Harpies
6. Telegraph Hill
For more information, visit:
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