2 Day Festival in the Crystal Palace Park BowlSaturday 23 June and Sunday 24 June 2012
CANCELLED due to Health & Safety concerns
It is with great disappointment toannounce that the Crystal Palace Garden Party will not now be able to go ahead
When it was realised that a 1.5 tonscissor lift truck must come on to the stage to erect the sails and riggingsome cursory tests were made to the structure. There was some obvious weatherwear to the stage and the temporary boards that were put down some time ago ...However, on closer examination it seemed there might be a more serious problem.A surveyor was called and rotten joists checked etc it was discovered thedelapidation was much worse than was at first thought. It couldn’t beguaranteed to be fixed in the time available so it was felt the safest thing todo all round was to cancel the event and hopefully try again next year.
Sadly this means that the eventscheduled to feature the likes of Rick Wakeman, Hawkwind, Barclay JamesHarvest, Focus, The Strawbs and Curved Air on Saturday 23 June and The LondonGala Symphony Orchestra on Sunday 24 June will now not take place.
Full refunds are of course availableto all those who have brought tickets and the organisers, who are currentlylooking at alternatives for a future event, would like to express theirsolidarity with those who were looking forward to the event.
Visit the website for moreinformation: http://www.crystalpalacegardenparty.com/
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