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The Direct Marketing i have received from the two events have been via e-mail. And to say that this was limited, would be an understatement. In the last three months that i have been signed up to the Florence and the Machine Fan page, i have received only 2 e-mails. However, evidence i have found on KMR software shows that a high level of people aged 15-24 do not receive direct mail. This might be one reason why direct mail is not sent out very often for the Florence and the Machine tour. The target audience for the event is 14-24 and as the table below shows, a high number of people at this age do not receive direct mail.

However, to counteract this; i also set up google alerts to tell me when something new was updated about either of my events. And to say i received a lot of emails from these, would also be an understatement. To the left is my mail box, and to help you see it more clearly i have coloured the google alerts in, in different colours. In the pink are some of the google alerts i received for The Florence and the Machine tour, In the blue is the google alerts from the London Fashion Week 2012. And the one yellow email is direct mail from the Florence and the Machine web page. To say that receiving all these google alerts was irritating would be honest, however, they were also very useful in helping to research the two events. The two direct emails i received with regards to the Florence and the Machine tour was not enough, however, it might be thought that they were not trying to over whelm their fans with information.
Overall, i think that with both the google alert and the direct mail that i receive, became useful to me in some form or another, if i did not use the information in its original form, then it may have given me ideas for others things that i needed to include.
Moving on to discuss the use of
Social media in used for my two events.
Facebook - According to Mintel facebook takes the top spot in social networking in the UK, in terms or both unique visitors, and average time spent on the website. Mintel's research shows that 73% of internet users have used facebook and 53% are regular users of facebook and visit the site at least once a week. 
This graph shows the increase in unique visitors who visited social networking sites from home and work in June 2008 to march 2011. This shows a huge increase in visitors to social networking sites. This also shows me why events such as the London Fashion Weeks, and Florence and the Machine use social networks to advertise themselves. As there is many people using the social networking sites, it is an easy way to contact people from all different marketing segments and make them aware of your event.

The next graph shows consumer attitudes to wards social networking sites. The top line of this graph say ' i rarely pay attention to adverts on social networking sites'. A massive 66% agree that they do not look at or pay any attention to advertisements which are show on social networking site. And i have to admit, that while i am using Facebook or Twitter, i do not pay any attention to adverts which are being displayed. Still, with 66% pay no attention to adverts it make me wonder why people still advertise on Social networking sites.

While tracking the communications for the two events i have been following both of the events on facebook and twitter. This graph shows that these are the two most used social networking sites there is on the Internet. Therefore, i think this is a good place to look for the marketing communications of my two events.

The London Fashion Week Facebook page is full of pictures and colour. The London Fashion Week have used facebook as a place to display pictures of the event, and also to let people know of the 'breaking news' which is happening in the fashion industry. This facebook page is an easy way for fans to get information about the event without having to have direct contact. The facebook page advertises the event to a number or target markets and to people of all age groups, any one can follow the event on facebook and keep up with whats going one. This facebook page is also used to discuss the designers and designs which were going to be at the event.

Florence and the Machine also have a facebook page. This page is used as more as a fan page for the band, rather than a page for the tour. Florence's facebook page shows all of her recent appearances on television, and radio, as well as discussing her recent tour date at Alexandra Palace in London. Florence has over 2 million people following her Facebook page. Therefore, Florence has a wide audience of people in which she should be promoting herself, her tour and her album to.
Twitter - Florence is also on twitter, she uses her twitter page as a place to let people know what she is doing in the next few months, for example; BBC Radio 1's Hackneys big weekend, and also to tell fans where she will be attending such as the Brits, and what awards she has recently won. Her twitter seem to be more about letting her fan know what she is up to so they can relate to her more.I think both events uses social media to their advantage. They use it to display pictures, information, dates and thoughts with a wider range of fans or people who are interested in what they are doing. Also, by using social media they are appealing to people of all age groups. I think it is clever of The London Fashion Week to use twitter to do a Q&A things, this keeps the people at home interested in what is going on at the London Fashion Week and also gives advice to budding designers. Florence's twitter page helps her fans to relate to her and what she is doing. This will make her seem more appealing to her fans as they will know what she does in her day to day life. Both of the events have used social media as a way of keeping in touch with their fans, however Florence does it at a more intimate level. Both the events have made the most of social media in promoting themselves.
- Mintel group Ltd. Mintel (2011) Social media and networking. (online) Available:
- Bmrb (2009) Direct mail (online) Available:
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