Produced and Directed by Peter Berg who directed Hancock (2008) and Collateral (2004) the film is an adaption from the Hasbro game with a huge budget to ensure its action packed.

Kitsch plays a naval officer, his superior played by Nielson is Decker’s father and Rihanna plays a petty officer and weapons specialist. Collectively the cast work well together, the alien invasion plot line is not really my kind of thing but they definitely pulled it off well. Although I think it’s fair to say it was like watching the Transformers (2011) on steroids! But none the less Berg definitely kept the audience interested, throughout the production and a large chunk of the budget was evidently spent on the brilliant CGI.

Rihanna should maybe stick to what she knows making pretty much anything look good, she sported the boyish role well and throughout her feisty personality I’ve grown to love definitely came out which was perfect for that role. Berg did well to give her what she could handle, it was just enough. The film was definitely worth the wait, the main reason I wanted to see it was purely because of Rihanna and I wasn’t disappointed, cringed a little at times but thoroughly enjoyed seeing Rihanna. I especially enjoyed when she jumped off the Battleship into the deep blue sea and still manages to have that awful cap on upon emerging to ensure that ridiculous cropped wig stayed on her beautifully shaped head!
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