29 Eylül 2012 Cumartesi

Review: The Weird Andys – 1

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The WeirdAndys – 1 (Independent)From Knoxville, Tennessee, The Weird Andys are afour-piece garage band with bluesy and acid rock nuances and plenty of hard rockingchops. None of them are called Andy – shame. So that’s the bare bones of it,but there’s plenty of interesting detail to fill in the gaps.
They’re partial to turning their guitars up, and whenthey reference Hendrix and his heavy psychedelic guitar squall, we understandprecisely what they’re driving at. They mix in a little feral Americana, forsome context, together with whatever rhythm they see fit, and their resultingnoise is always appealing, on one level or another. They’re some decent songs,too. The album kicks off with “Pavement Pound”, a lovely, grungy storm of asong, with some delicate post-punk strings providing guidance. Both guitarists/ vocalists Matt Hensley and Josh Brown show what fine musicians they are, andwhoever it is taking lead vocal, also does himself proud.
Other songs of special note are “In the Know” whichpleasingly combines late ‘70s punk and something that crawled out of Seattle inthe mid ’80s, “Slow Train” is less urgent – there’s a clue somewhere in thetitle – but still rocks gloriously, and last track “Friends”, which gallopsalong with a rhythm that Gang Of Four would happily call their own.www.facebook.com/theweirdandyswww.reverbnation.com/theweirdandysSimon M.

The Weird Andys: The Weird Andys: I

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