Below are a few of the adverts from the Sony Bravia ad campaign. Sony rely on colour throughout their campaign and it was a very big success evidenced by the 1,798,603 youtubeviews that the ‘Bouncy Balls’ advert achived which is still growing on a daily basis.
The adverts are set in quite kind of isolated ares in which the scenary is very bland and consistant and it therefore gives the perfect mis en scene for Sony to give the audience a strong impression of the product they are selling.Sony are a very well established brand, they are recognised for their quality products. The ideology's in the ads are that colour takes over the grey setting ensure that the maximum attention is paID to the bright and wide range of balls/colours bouncing around. The colours make a huge impact on the setting and at 1 point a women presses herself against a window in an attempt to touch them a feeling that the audince can relate with.
Using Todorovs theroy of equilbrium:Equilbrium: The world is a boring and dull placeDis equlilbrium: A burst of colours is needed being the world to lifeNew eqilbruim: ‘Colour. Like no other. Sony Bravia’ This product can make your life/world/home a more colourful and fun place. Without it your life will remain dull.
The Sony Bravia ad campaign was a huge success. The Bravia sold out in The UK, and the soundtrack used got to number 3 in the charts which I have no doubt was not only a result of a great record but also the result of an huge institution endorsing it.
Below are some posters that I have brought. I love them because the colours and effects used are very striking! I also love them because I think the direct quotes make the posters unique and also the quotes have alot of meaning. Thats why they deserve a place in my Cabinet Of Curiosities! Enjoy!

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