Gravity’sDrop Out - Tracks For Non-Existing Movies (Alrealon Musique)

Featuring PAS, Margitt Holzt, Herr Penschuck,Ebinger, Nika Son and Thorsten Soltau, it’s for the listener to visualize themusic. This is no straight forward task owing to the dense, grating andobscure textures, such as: Margitt Holzt’s “Bears Head” which takes the soundof a skipping/jumping record - that would normally have the listener flying totheir feet to rectify – and forces it uncomfortably onto us before assailing usfurther with lengthy industrial babblings and the atmospheric, angst laden,piped drones of Herr Penschuck’s “The Drig Bift Transition”, which is set tosubtle locomotion. Nika Son does allows some timid and wobbly aural respitebetween penetrating injections of dentistry and workshops on “Jöusan”
Perhaps the title “Tracks for Movies Never Likely tobe Made” may have been more appropriate!
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