Ty Haruta– Balconies (NakamotoMusic Group)

The Los Angeles based singer-songwriter has created acollection of folk-rock and pop songs that are melodically strong, and he’sblessed with a voice that does his words justice. His style is reminiscent ofartists like Jack Johnson and John Mayer, so there’s no shortage of pop hooks toget under the skin, and although the overall presentation feels relaxed and easy,the list of backing vocalists and musicians, and the various instruments theyemploy, is impressively long.
He begins with the almost title track “Balcony”. Thephrasing is unusual, which demands attention straight away, and the rhythm isLatin, or something that originated on a Caribbean island – whatever itssource, it’s sunny and warm. It sets up “Love Always”, a bubbly, upbeat numberwith plenty of feelgood attitude. With luck and a horribly expensive radioplugger, it’s got the potential to be a huge hit. “Wasted” would make aninteresting follow-up single, and “Talking Green” is just as instant andimmediate, with added bongos.www.facebook.com/tyharutawww.tyharuta.bandcamp.comRob F.
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