The VickiStevens Band - Ms. Vicki’s In Town (Independent)

The majority of the material they present for ourdelectation was penned by Hyland, and he’s got a great feel for his chosengenre. It’s done justice by the band who rip through his songs of cheating andlies, violence and retribution. Especially agreeable is the tandem pleasures of Ms.Vicki’s soul-flecked vocal and Monroe’s blazing guitar.
There are plenty of highlights to talk about. Thetitle track’s a huge statement of intent with the whole band stepping up to themark and making their presence felt. Monroe’s “Crazy 'bout My Baby” allows MsVicki free rein to express her womanly desires, while the guitarist gets toplay slow and stealthy, and then there’s the seven-plus minutes “Tell Me theTruth”. It’s about a woman wronged and the murderous things she’s prepared todo to hear the truth. I may the finest advert for honesty ever set to F.
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