I WasAwake – S/T (Independent)

Though only five tracks long, because of the genre inwhich they operate, that equates to well over 27 minutes of music; more thanenough time to make a serious impression. This they do thanks to solidsongwriting and exceptional musicianship. Both principal guitarists JustinDemko and Dan Goodhue contribute immense riffs and needle point solos, buildinga depth of sound that can be daunting. Fortunately plenty of light and shade isprovided by a three-piece string section, Chris Harvey’s vocal, both high intone and in the mix, and arrangements that allow room for the melodies to takehold.
All five tracks come together to form an enjoyablewhole, rather than provide individual highlights (though I am particularlyenamoured with “The Frightened One”), and fans of Muse, A Perfect Circle andKatatonia should really check them out.www.facebook.com/iwasawakewww.iwasawake.bandcamp.comRob F.
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