The ManxLitfest will include a variety of talks, workshops, book launches and signings,held throughout the island.
Festivaldirector and author, John Quirk said: "We have so much planned - it isgoing to be a colourful celebration of literature."
The four-dayfestival will run from Thursday to Sunday.
The inauguralfestival will see authors and poets delivering lectures while providing aplatform to promote local writers.
Chairman of theIsle of Man Arts Council, Laurence Skelly, said the festival would "promotea diverse cultural offering".
Mr Quirk cameup with the the idea in 2010 after watching a talk by local crime writer ChrisEwan.
"I put theidea out there on my blog and through social media and their was a unanimouslypositive response," he said. "The adventure had started."
The festivalhas been specifically designed to be staged around the island and include asmany people as possible, by a team of volunteers, who all give their time forthe love of books and great writing.
Mr Quirk added:"We set out to create a colourful celebration of literature and paytribute to the endless worlds that books open our imaginations to."
"We wantedto give literature in the Isle of Man the recognition it deserves."
"There isa vast array of events for other art forms, but it was our belief thatliterature had lived in the shadows here for to long."
Around 20authors and poets from all over the British Isles will take part.
Among thosevisiting the island will be the ex-BBC war correspondent Martin Bell, Tolkienscholar Colin Duriez and literary agent Peter Cox , who will debate the effectof e-books on publishing.
It will alsosee nature writer Sarah Crowe visit the island as she begins a year-longjourney in a camper van, to find the "wild" places of the BritishIsles.
The event hasbeen funded through a £5,000 from the Manx Lottery Trust, as well as support bythe Manx Heritage Foundation and the Isle of Man Arts Council.
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