During my first year at Coventry University I had to take part in a module that will give me an advantage in my future aspirations. There was a wide selection of different modules and topics that I could hav chosen. I decided to do a module titled ‘How to make the most of your digital camera’, I have always been interested in being a journalist so I therefore felt that this module would be very interesting and would effectively support not only my aspirations but also assist my during my studies as I am studying Communication, Culture & Media.Initially I honestly felt that the module would be very easy and that the assessment criteria would be easy to meet and that I could simply take a few random photos, I was wrong. I was required to learn about different types of lenses, I had to really experiment with my digital camera to collect a portfolio of night shots, portraits and achitecture as well as evaluate my final pieces and mount them in a professional manner.
I am very glad that I choose to take part in this module I feel that it has provided me with a wide range of knowledge on how to take good quality photographs and also to make the most of my subject which ranged from old buildings (architecture) to trying to capture moving traffic (nightshots). In reflection I am amazed at what can be achieved by using my digital camera, I am very pleased with the mounted pieces that I will be getting back once marked and I can keep and showcase as my own personal work.
The advantage modules as I have been shown are very useful in providing students an in depth knowledge and assistance in a huge range of topics, from languages to journalistic writing which are two examples that I am planning to take part in in my second and third years at Coventry.
I definately feel as though I have gained an advantage that other universitys do not make avaliable to their students, I am very glad that I was able to participate and am very aware of how much it has advantaged me.

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