TheTristones – Donkey (Independent)

Their music represents a back-to-basics approach tothe rock format, and therefore sounds almost timeless. Frontman Clark possessesa soulful, rough-edged voice, ideally suited to his songs, and isn’t shy aboutletting rip on guitar. The three remaining members all supply sterling support,and all get the opportunity to shine on various tracks. On “Neighbour”, drummer Falls sounds like his floor tomshave offended him in some way and he’s teaching them a lessen they’ll neverforget. Indeed, the rhythm section is particularly lively throughout the dozentracks, and with Hemmings unfussy keys providing depth and nuance, the sound isalways full and rounded.
As for the songs, well the fore-mentioned “Neighbour” is definitely a keeper (love those backingvocals, by the way); “Levee” is an absolutemonster rock track, propelled by a stunning riff and a terrific all-roundperformance. “I Knew You” represents their morepop side, though they don’t sacrifice an iota of their energy, and theyconclude proceedings with the dark and foreboding “ElderBlues”, which should get Free fans reaching for the download S.
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