MichaelWaugh – Heyfield Girl (Independent)

It’s an outstanding track, rooted firmly in the folktradition, it tells the story of Waugh’s mother, her battle with illness andhis father’s love for her. It might have been maudlin or a trifleover-sentimental, but thanks to a light-touch and a supple arrangement, it’suplifting and life-affirming.
Stories are central to Waugh’s style, probably theresult of a misspent youth listening to classic country music, and there’s agentle country influence at play throughout the recording. The remarkable “Bothof Your Kids” is chock full of detail, the tiny pieces of information that lifta song beyond the ordinary, and “Burned”, a brushfire narrative that seems sorelevant to Australian life.
Local commentators are already comparing Waugh to Paul Kelly, and it’ll be interesting to see whetherhe can make the same international impact. There’s a debut album releaseplanned for mid-2013, so we may not have to wait too long to find out.www.michaelwaugh.com.auwww.facebook.com/Michael-WaughPhil S.
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