Timothy Spallhas been cast in the lead role of the landscape watercolour artist, who died in1851 aged 76.
Althoughconsidered an eccentric during his lifetime, Turner is now regarded as one ofthe Britain's greatest painters.
Spall hasworked with Leigh on a number of films, including Life is Sweet, All or Nothingand Topsy-Turvy, his 1999 film about Gilbert and Sullivan.
"Turner asa character is compelling," said Leigh. "I want to explore the man,his working life, his relationships and how he lived.
"But whatfascinates me most is the drama that lies in the tension between this driveneccentric and the epic, timeless world he evoked in his masterpieces."
Director andplaywright Leigh is renowned for bringing his actors in to the creative processearly, using improvisation to help mould scenes in the eventual film.
The as yetuntitled project is being produced by Focus Features, the team behind such recentreleases as Anna Karenina, Moonrise Kingdom and Hyde Park on Hudson.
"We'reimmensely looking forward to this new venture with Mike," said AlisonThompson, co-president of Focus Features International.
Leigh's"unique style and story-telling", she continued, was sure "todeliver a compelling and beautiful film about this ground-breakingartist".
Turnerexhibitions continue to attract large audiences, while his works are mainstaysin the UK's leading galleries.
In 2010 a newauction record was set for a Turner when Modern Rome - Campo Vaccino sold for £29.7million.
The artist, whowas born in London in 1775, is buried in St Paul's Cathedral alongside hismentor, Sir Joshua Reynolds.
Spall cancurrently be seen on BBC One in Blandings, a period comedy series based onstories by PG Wodehouse.
Source: BBC
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