The image,which shows a young boy hunched over a sewing machine making Union Jackbunting, disappeared from the side of a Poundland shop last week.
It is now forsale in Miami, with an estimate of £320,000 - £452,000.
Councillor AlanStrickland said there is "lots of anger" at the removal, and iscampaigning for the work's return.
"Residentshave been really shocked and really astonished," he told the BBC."Banksy gave that piece of art to our community, and people came from allover London to see it.
He saidresidents are "disappointed" that a "piece of art that was givenfreely has been taken away from them and sold for an enormous profit".
'Above board'
Fine ArtAuctions in Miami described the work as "stencil and spray paint on renderwith additional jubilee bunting".
It rejectedsuggestions that the mural was stolen, saying the listing came from a"well-known collector", who had signed a contract to say"everything was above board".
The workappeared in Whymark Avenue, Wood Green, north London, in May last year. It isthought to be a commentary on the use of sweat-shop labour.
Professor PaulGough, an academic who studies street art, said it was likely to be a genuineBanksy, who works under a veil of anonymity, and rarely takes credit for hisart.
Poundlandwelcomed the arrival of the piece, saying they were "fans of Banksy",but rejecting any suggestion they were the target of his satire.
Tim McDonnell,the store's retail director, said: "Poundland has a clear defined code ofconduct for all our suppliers and a strong ethical stance on all labourissues."
CouncillorStrickland said residents noticed scaffolding go up around the store lastWednesday.

"Thescaffolding and tarpaulins came down on Friday, and on Saturday residentsnoticed that, where the Banksy had been, there was now a hole in thewall."
Number of thefts
The chain saidit was not responsible for "either selling or removing the Banksymural," saying it did not own the building.
The owners ofthe property have been traced, and Haringey council is trying to contact themto establish whether the work was taken legitimately.
Residents arealso organising an email campaign, asking the auction company to abandon thesale.
Banksy's workhas been at the centre of a number of thefts over the years.
In May 2010,two pieces were stolen from a gallery in London, after a man used a road signto smash a glass window at the front of the building.
A year later, apiece known as Sperm Alarm was ripped off the wall of a hotel in CentralLondon, and appeared on eBay for £17,000. It was never recovered.
Source: BBC
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