DenimWedding – Fancy Diving (Independent)

Of course, they weren’t. Denim Wedding is acontemporary pairing, though they do apply certain timeless qualities to theirmusic. They aren’t short of tunes, either. Opening cut “To the Moon” shows allthe melodic confidence of a classic Jayhawks track, as does the equally fine“Ankles Off”. Kunkel takes a substantial share of the lead on the former, butit’s where the two voices combine that they truly soar. The effect is etherealand quite poignant.
On the concluding “Sweet Honesty”, Faust takescentre-stage and her voice is entwined with what sounds like a melancholy steelguitar and sorrowful pipes. It’s moving and emotionally wrought, and leaves thelistener desperate to press play, and start all over S.
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