Ant Couch– Just One More Wave (Independent)

Get past the cover, the simple tinted image and thestrangely inappropriate gothic German font, and you’ll discover asinger-songwriter with a deft touch and an easy-on-the-ear demeanor. It’s analbum of acoustic, folk-pop songs with plenty of lyrical twists and turns, andhooks that burrow deep in the subconscious. I imagine they make ideal listeningfor carefree sunny days and balmy evenings, and for those of us ‘enjoying’ aNorthern Hemisphere winter, they bring a little imported glow.
“Passing Time”, thealbum’s opening track, delivers everything that’s expected. A warm, rhythmicstrum is enhanced with a delicate lead guitar and Couch’s affable tone. “My Own Eyes” is beautifully pensive, with a harmonicalead that perfectly compliments both the fragility of the vocal and the generalmood of the song. The upbeat “Downstairs”applies a pleasing old-time, recorded-in-a-cupboard effect and thesuper-radio-friendly “The Same Old Song” wouldbe the lead single, if we still cared about such S.
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