TheTownies – Plug (Independent)

Produced by the celebrated Paul Q. Kolderie, whoseprevious credits include Warren Zevon, Radiohead and Pixies, “Plug” bursts fromthe traps with joyful intent. “Grow On You”provides a fabulous launch. Its alt. pop stance brings to mind Lemonheads,Dandy Warhols and Fountains Of Wayne. Sure, there’s an element of power-pop towhat they do, but there’s also a depth and quirkiness to their writing thatblows away the clichés inherent in the genre.
They’re also not scared of a riff. “Never Be” arrives on a huge one, and guitarists Bacon,Shorey and Cowan have some fun. Indeed, fun and enjoyment seems intrinsic totheir approach, and it’s wholly infectious. It’s nigh on impossible not to beswept up with their enthusiasm, and the fact that they relentlessly ply thelistener with strong original songs, massive hook-laden choruses and tunes thatstick around long after they’ve finished obviously helps. Simply put, greattracks come thick and fast. “Freakshow” takesits inspiration from “Pleased To Meet Me” Replacements; “Irish Smile” is a perfect pop thrash and “Roll” is a massive hit single on a world with bettertaste than S.
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