JonathanFerguson – Sweeter After Difficulties (Independent)

“Sweeter After Difficulties” is Ferguson’s debutcollection, and unsurprisingly, in his native Canada it has considerably raisedhis profile. The 13 songs are distinctive and engaging, with production thatvaries from lush strings and full band arrangements to simple, percussiveguitar strums. Whatever the approach, Ferguson places his words high in the mixand centre stage, singing his songs about ordinary people and the situations inwhich they find themselves; quite possibly the only real definition offolksong.
As with the majority of songwriters, Ferguson rarelywrites about himself. Instead taking on characters and themes that range fromunrequited love to conflicts of conscience, but as the title suggests, theability to overcome these trials and tribulations is where strength is to befound. There is no shortage of standout tracks on “Sweeter After Difficulties”.Opener “Ballerina” sets a scene of love goneawry, and “House On the Water” is all aboutescape. Perhaps my favourite is “Sunrise At the Airport”,a paean to love, and it’s a big hook-laden pop song, which, if there were anyjustice, would be taking up residence on a radio near S.
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