MisterSippy – S/T (Independent)

There’s no room for filler on a record of thislength, and the band (Marshal Sayer, Max Maxey, Roger Brown and Dr. RussellGruen) are in complete accord. From the opening bars of “Leave Me and My Woman Alone” they barely waste a note.Frontman Sayer plays a mean harp, which’ll remind a select few of The RedDevils’ Lester Butler (though there’s probably an old blues guy that influencedboth of them), and on tracks like Butler’s own “Goingto the Church” and a blistering take on R.L. Burnside’s “Skinny Woman”, he shows just how good a harp can bewhen used as the lead instrument in the right blues-rock setting.
Gruen and Brown keep the beat tight but fluid, andguitarist Max Maxey is neither showy nor indulgent, but takes a razor sharplead whenever called upon, and his hard driving style might just be the perfectfoil to Sayer’s sinuous harp.www.mistersippy.com.auwww.facebook.com/mistersippywww.reverbnation.com/mistersippyPhil S.
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