Read an interview w/ Maze curator Sam Hillmer at Vice'!
This July and August, Trouble (Sam Hillmer of ZS andSculptor/Projectionist Laura Paris) and the Secret Project RobotGallery bring the infamous You Are Here Festival backto NYC at the Secret Project Robot Gallery in Bushwick Brooklyn. As with allYou Are Here festivals, the month will feature a gigantic life size maze thatwill house myriad performances and artists throughout the month.
The Trouble curators are also announcing additional performances at this year'sevent from Xeno and Oaklander, Hubble, Artanker Convoy, and FreeBlood,and have also announced a limited mixtape release, featuringexclusive and previously released tracks from 20+ performers of the 2012 Mazeevent, available at the upcoming shows, the You Are Here Kickstarter page, andat (moreinformation below and full details coming soon).
8:00pm to Late
every Thursday through Friday, July 12 to August 4, 2012
at Secret Project Robot
389 Melrose St, Brooklyn NY
Thursday, July 12th
Miho Hatori's New Optimism
JG Thirlwell (DJ)
Ann Liv Young
Friday, July 13th
Laurel Halo
Lucky Dragons
Hiro Kone
MV Carbon
DJ Chouette
Saturday, July 14th
Mick Barr
Dan Friel
Lorna Dune
Das Racist DJs
Thursday, July 19th
Dub Know Dub
Das Racist DJs
Friday, July 20th
Dustin Wong
La Big Vic
Loud Objects
Saturday, July 21st
Phone Tag
Free Blood
Hieroglyph Thesaurus
Thursday, July 26th
JACK Quarter
C. Spencer Yeh
Patrick Higgins
Friday, July 27th
Xeno and Oaklander
Guardian Alien
Black Jeans
Oracle DJ
Saturday, July 28
Amen Dunes
Kel Valhaal: Hunter Hunt-Hendrix
Diamond Terrifier
Psychic Reality
Dome Theater
Das Racist DJs
Thursday, August 2nd
Extra Life
Larkin Grimm
Ice Choir
Das Racist DJs
Friday, August 3rd
Artanker Convoy
Mas Ysa
Eric Wubbels
Saturday, August 4th
Black Crown Ceremony
Dome Theater
Cool Places Sound Systems DJ
2:00pm to 8:00pm
every Thursday through Friday, July 12 to August 4, 2012
at Secret Project Robot
389 Melrose St, Brooklyn NY
Nick Doyle (July 12 - Aug 4)
Interface Accolade
an interactive sculpture centered around the ideas of interface and reactionaryexperience. Its two central consols promote the interweaving of the viewer andthe space through its activation. This responsive piece becomes animprovisational tool within which the participants can experience a creationand transformation within the space. Hand-controlled glove-boxes, lighting,sequencing.
G Lucas Crane + Party Lab (July 12 - Aug 4)
sound artist, performer, and musician whose work focuses on informationanxiety, media confusion, and recycled technology. Using a combination fieldrecordings culled from the underbelly of the contemporary sonic media landscapeand homemade electronic instruments, oscillators and broken machines, hecreates compositions and performances as a reaction to, and illustration of,our information detritus choked times.
Babycastles (July 12 - Aug 4)
An ingredient of a rhythm of indie, furthermore unprofessional, game designersfrom near the universe. Babycastles is hiding games in treasure chests aroundthe maze.
Sleepy Peopl (July 12 - Aug 4)
Nate Dorr and Maya Edelman will be doing live digital manipulations of mazeimagery via 6 projectors installed in the gallery.
Watercourses (July 12 - Aug 4)
Artist Pam Garner's moniker for here work with liquid. Pam will be leavingpotions in secret vessels throughout the maze on random nights in random buthidden places. All potions are digestable, so drink up!
Alexander Perrelli (July 19)
Anya Domlesky and Alexander Arroyo (July 27)
Graft Inscribes marks against a pre-existing structure realigning the volume throughnew vectors composed by movement and perception.
Remote Control Tomato (July 28)
Multimedia performance art by Thomas Bell Christina DeRoos and Anya Liftig
Morgan Silver-Greenberg (Aug 3-4)
Sculptural works
About The YouAreHere: The Maze Mixtape:
In association with Trouble and the YOU ARE HERE FESTIVAL aka The Maze,Words+Dreams is very excited to announce its first-ever compilation,YouAreHere:The Maze Mixtape. A 20-track cross section of musicians and bandsplaying in this year's festival, The Maze Mixtape is an incredible collectionmusic from the constantly intersecting and sub-dividing worlds of avant-garde,hip-hop, experimental, indie, and noise. With many never-previously-releasedtracks and a prodigious, diverse list of contributors, this unique releasestands as a sonic extension of the physical and aural experience of the Maze.
Like the Maze itself, The Maze Mixtape's design is a disorienting combinationof closed and open spaces created from multiple layers of overlapping line art,a celebration of the possible positive qualities of negative space when carriedinto the third dimension.
YouAreHere: The Maze Mixtape will be available through two venues. Startingtomorrow, half of the tapes will be available as a new reward on The MazeKickstarter for a contribution $15 US-shipping/$20 Int'l-shipping. This will bethe only way to order the tape on the web! The other half will be soldexclusively at the YOU ARE HERE FESTIVAL aka INSIDE THE MAZE!
Contributors Black Jeans // Brandon Perry // C. Spencer Yeh // Dustin Wong// GDFX // Hieroglyph Thesaurus // Higgins // Hiro Kone // Hubble // JGThirlwell // Larkin Grimm // MV Carbon // NYMPH // Phonetag // Psychic Reality// Tianna Kennedy/Chad Laird // Tony Lowe // Wish
Visit The Maze Kickstarter page here!
This is the third maze installation mounted by Trouble in NYC. Click here to view images, video and press of past mazes aswell as other work by Trouble. So far, You Are Here has been a strictly NewYork affair. However, this September Trouble will break free of thisassociation presenting the You Are Here Festival in Berlin, Germany, at theWest Germany Gallery and Show Space in Kreuxberg Berlin. Help them do it onKickstarter!
"As a sort of anti-panopticon, the labyrinth explores the boundariesthat we often take for granted about where one art community ends and anotherbegins, while advancing the notion that the audience, itself a kind of community,should be stripped of its consumptive role and forced to discover its creativeone." - The Brooklyn Rail
"(an) "anti-festival festival" in which a bevy of versatilemusicians and artists play shows within the confines of this tailor-madelabyrinth." - The Village Voice
"Sam Hillmer and Laura Paris' You Are Here art maze hits a measured senseof eerie whimsy, sort of like being in one of the sets from theLabyrinth." - Impose Magazine
"If NYCs experimental-music scene seemslike a daunting labyrinth, you couldnthope for a better guide than saxist-composer Sam Hillmer. Appropriately, hislatest project, You Are Here - a monthlong installation by Trouble, hiscollaboration with artist Laura Paris - is an actual maze, one that hosts avariety of progressive luminaries." - Time Out New York
About Trouble:
Trouble is devoted to creating extreme environments that have no exterior,public art both condoned and illegal, and other kinds of visual/sound artintended to be used for some purpose. Their work is about community,spirituality, politics, craft, and beauty. Trouble is Sam Hillmer and LauraParis.
About Sam Hillmer:
Sam Hillmer has been active as a musician in New York City since 1996. Hillmerhas lead several ensembles under his own name and co-founded the chamberensemble/band "Zs". He is also a founding member of Wet Ink, anot-for-profit new music presenting organization, Representing NYC, a Hip Hopbased youth development group, and Trouble, the conceptual installation artduo. Hillmer appears regularly in and around New York, across North America, inEurope, and in Asia.
About Laura Paris:
Laura Paris is a founding member of the art duo Trouble and co-founded theCoalition for Hispanic Family Services' Arts and Literacy After School andSummer Program in Bushwick, Brooklyn in 1993. Laura is active as a sculptor,painter, projectionist, and installation artist. Recently she hasshown/performed at the Chashama Gallery and BAM in New York City, theExperimental Media Performing Arts Center (EMPAC) in Troy New York, the WhiteChappell Gallery and the Institute for Contemporary Art (ICA) in London, andthe Brno House of Arts in Brno, Czech Republic. She has worked with luminariessuch as Gennesis P. Orridge, Arrington Dionyso, and the Band ZS, and frequentlyappears with collaborator Sam Hillmer as part of Diamond Terrifier.
About Secret Project Robot:
Secret Project Robot: institute for the living arts (formerly Mighty Robot1999-04) was founded in 2004 by a group of friends who produce, observe andinteract with art as a way of life. It is a installation, print, community andperformance focused experimental space gravitating around the idea that artshould be experienced and lived daily. Secret Project Robot was granted 501c3Not for Profit status by the IRS as an arts and educational charitable institutionin May of 2008.
For more information, visit:
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