Miscomunicado- The Golden Teacher (Independent)

“The Golden Teacher” is their second long player andfollows promptly on the heals of 2011’s “L’Ocean”, though it certainly doesn’tfeel rushed. Indeed, it seems a more rounded recording than its predecessor,and certainly more inclined to explore different sounds. Opener “On The Bus”hits a loose, infectious groove early on, and comes off like a heady mix of Pavementand Phish. Next, “Golden Forest”, begins briskly like a late ‘70s new waver,before settling into something that Bloc Party fans might want to seek out andcozy up to. For those who enjoy the more experimental aspects of psychedelicrock, be sure to check out “ICANMOODMUSIC pt.3”. It’s combination of mumbledspoken word passages, demented chuckles and relentless layers of strum anddrone isn’t a moment too long at nearly ten minutes.www.facebook.com/miscomunicadoRob F.
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