Review: Li'l Ronnie and the Grand Dukes - Gotta Strange Feeling
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Li'lRonnie and the Grand Dukes - Gotta Strange Feeling (Eller Soul Records)
Harmonica-driven opener ‘Can’t BuyMy Love’ makes a favourable introduction to the label debut from thisfive-piece Mississippi roots band. There’s always room for anotherSouthern-styled outfit that can keep it down and dirty, and when they hit thespot on Owens/Applerouth (vocals/guitar respectively) compositions such as ‘LoveNever Dies’, ‘I Won’t Take it Anymore’ and 50’s Chicago blues homage ‘Can’tPlease Your Wife’, the Grand Dukes show bags of promise. Elsewhere the materialfalls somewhat short (the Little Feat-lite ‘Cold Hard Cash’ and the lesssubstantial ‘Screaming and Crying’ for example) and there’s a suspicion thattunes that may play perfectly well in the white heat of a packed bar aren’treally fully formed enough just yet to make the grade on record; and to behonest the faithful rendition of ‘C’est La Vie’ wasn’t really necessary – it’sbeen pretty well done to death already.www.ellersoulrecords.comNeil B.
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