We can define communication as the interchange of thoughts and opinions by speech, writing or signs. Communication allows us to convey information using a variety of methods both verbal and non verbal.
In the case of marketing, promotion and events, the supplier needs to make its communication with the target audience clear and appealing for them to interpret. This allows them to represent themselves, their services or their products. Marketing objectives is the process of getting the correct information about an event to the events correct target audience. Communication objectives work to create awareness, knowledge, attitudes, preferences or purchasing intentions of an event.
The communication processThroughout time, there have been many models of communication. For example the Linear model, the Shannon and Weaver model and Wilbur Schramm's 1954 communication model.

This is Wilbur Schramm's model of communication:
The Schramm process includes; encoding, decoding, interpreting and the message.
Encoding is the sending of the message to the consumer, ensuring that the message is informative and clear about the product or service.
Decoding is when the message has been delivered and the receiver is then to interpret the message.
As you can see from the diagram Schramm has made this process so that information which has been received, can then be replied to. This ensures that the receiver of the message understands what has been said and important information can be confirmed.
The Florence and The Machine tour will communicate with their fans to make sure that they are aware of the tour, the dates and venues. They will then rely on their fan base to purchase tickets to the event. Florence will not be able to sale tickets purely through promotion of the tour. Florence need to have ensure that she is always bringing something new to her music and is keeping her fans excited and enjoying her music. This will ensure a loyal fan base for Florence and The Machine. As tickets for the event are now limited, it would suggest to me that Florence has done well in communicating her event to her fans.
The London Fashion week are likely to focus their communication on; buyers, press, industry and the public. They may have to use different forms of communication to reach each of these. Their objective may be to make each of these sectors aware of the event and try to encourage some of these, to attend the London Fashion Week. The reason why have may have to approach these in different ways is because each of these sectors will be interested in the event for separate reasons.

- Deviny, K (2012) Schramm's Model of Communication (online) Available: http://www.uri.edu/personal/carson/kulveted/wlsmodel.html
- British Fashion Council. (2012) London Fashion Week(online)Available: http://www.londonfashionweek.co.uk/
- Islands Universal Records Ltd (2012) Florence and the Machine (online) Available: http://florenceandthemachine.net/
- Masterman, G and Wood, E (2006) Innovative Marketing Communications. First Edition. Oxford. Butterworth-Heinemann
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