Lost Dog Found - The Jump Start Scandal (Independent)

They begin with “Tear Up theFloor” with guitarist Mac and trumpeter Adam Borden combiningbeautifully to cook up a ‘50s noir setting for vocalist Chris Hudlow’s afterhours delivery (he’ll solve the mystery and get the girl – but you know she’sgoing to turn out bad). It’s followed by the goodtime “50Things I Love About a Woman”, which wisely turns out to be just abouteverything, and the slower “Turn Me On” offersclues as to why they were Jango’s number one indieblues band for a third of a year.
Swing revivals may come and go, but while there arebands out there as good as Lost Dog Found, it’s a genre that will continue tolive, breathe and thrive. In fact, these guys would go down a storm on the UKAmericana circuit, and I hope they make a trip over sooner rather than later.Until then we’ll just have to be satisfied with their record, and however muchI’d love to see them do there thing live on a local stage, I know I’ve got thenext best thing right here.www.lostdogfound.comwww.facebook.com/ldfbandRob F.
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