Innocent Drinkshas announced on its blog it has cancelled its Olympic festival because of poorticket sales and competition for people's time.
It followsplans for a comedy and culture festival, which was due to take place near tothe Olympic Park over the summer, being put on hold.
Scipmylo isoffering ticket refunds.
The festivalorganisers said on their Facebook page they are hoping to "rescue"the event.
The annualHarvest Festival, which was held on the farms of Blur bassist Alex James andfarmer and presenter Jimmy Doherty, was cancelled after the promoter went intoadministration.
Focus onOlympics
While James hasorganised a new event, The Big Feastival, in September with TV chef JamieOliver, Doherty said he had decided not to hold a festival because of theOlympics.
A statement onthe Jimmy's Farm website said the event would return in 2013, but Doherty andhis wife Michaela had decided the focus this year is on the Olympics and theQueen's Diamond Jubilee.
In additionDoherty is celebrating 10 years in farming while the couple are also expectingtheir second child in July.
Jimmy Dohertysaid: "It's been a crazy 10 years and we need to focus on the nation's bigdates.
"Harvestwill be back as the country's best food, music and family festival - but we'vegot to prioritise this year and make the right decisions for our customers andthe farm."
Busy summer
Innocent, whichstarted in 1999 selling smoothies at a music festival, held its firstFruitstock festival in 2003.
In 2007 the festival became the Innocent VillageFete.
A statement on the company's website said: "Abusy summer along with a spell of bad weather has meant ticket sales for ourFruit Sports Day festival haven't been as good as we'd needed them to be toensure a great day out.
"We're sorry for the inconvenience, but we thinkit's a much better decision to postpone this year and run a bigger and betterevent in the future."
In January the organisers of the Big Chill Festivalsaid the Olympics had impacted on "artist availability" leading tothe cancellation of the event.
The Big Chill has been going since 1994 and has beenheld in the grounds of Eastnor Castle, Herefordshire.
But bosses said difficulty in booking the acts theywanted and no suitable alternative date meant the festival would not go ahead.
Smaller events have also been affected. In Februaryorganisers of the Cowley Road Carnival, an annual community event in Oxford,said the event had been called off to avoid "festival fatigue".
A statement from Cowley Road Carnival saidcompetition from Diamond Jubilee celebrations and the Olympics led to thedecision to cancel the 2012 event.
And Middlesbrough's Intro Music Festival was calledoff after the council's budget was cut.
Middlesbrough Council said it would focus resourceson Olympic and Jubilee events instead.
In March rock festival Sonisphere, which was due totake place at Knebworth Park, Stevenage, on 6-8 July, was cancelled withorganisers citing "a very challenging year" as the reason for theevent not going ahead.
Source: BBC
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