Universalmusic will be releasing a limited edition Elton John box set, Classic AlbumSelection (1970-73), on July 9th comprising five classic Elton John albumsrecorded between 1970 and 1973. It follows the release of hotly anticipatedElton Vs Pnau single "Good Morning to the Night" on July 2nd.
Australianduo Pnau are best known for their side-project "Empire Of The Sun";Elton John signed the pair after hearing their record, and now with hisblessing, a selection of Elton’s old masters will be re-imagined into an albumfeaturing their recreations of his classic songs between 1970 and 1976 many ofwhich can be found on this welcome new box set.
Itcontains five of Elton John’s quintessential and most acclaimed albums from1970-1973; Elton John, Tumbleweed Connection, Madman Across The Water, HonkyChateau and Don’t Shoot Me I’m Only The Piano Player. These albums provided thebackbone of Elton’s early career and were the source of a series ofbreakthrough hits which would propel him to become one of the most successfulBritish artists of all time, recognised initially in America where MadmanAcross The Water made him the first artist since The Beatles to have fouralbums simultaneously in the Top Twenty.
EltonJohn was Elton’s second album, released in 1970 and confirming the specialrelationship between Elton and Bernie Taupin. It was also the first to featurethe team of producer Gus Dudgeon and arranger Paul Buckmaster and contained thesongs "Border Town" and "Your Song", the latter becomingElton’s first UK hit, reaching No. 7 in the charts. It set the US chartsalight, the album eventually hitting No. 4.
TumbleweedConnection with its American Old West themes in songs such as "CountryComfort" and "Ballad of a Well-Known Gun" maintained themomentum in Elton’s career and even featured Dusty Springfield on some backingvocals. It included Elton’s wonderful rendition of Lesley Duncan’s "LoveSong".
MadmanAcross The Water followed in quick succession in 1972 and introduced guitaristDavey Johnstone from Magna Carter as another key member of Elton’s bandalongside bassist Dee Murray and drummer Nigel Olsson. A wonderfully consideredwork including the song "Tiny Dancer", it is blessed with lushmelodramatic arrangements which perfectly compliment Elton John and BernieTaupin’s flourishing songwriting partnership. In May of that year, Elton Johnformally changed his name by deed poll.HonkyChateau, 1972, a reference to the French recording studios in ChateauHerouville, was Elton’s sixth consecutive album produced by Gus Dudgeon. Itreturned Elton to the UK charts where the hits "Rocket Man " (a UKNo. 2) and "Honky Cat" fully established Elton’s critical and popularappeal on both sides of the Atlantic achieved as result of the combination ofhis flamboyant showmanship, romantic sensibilities and song craft able toembrace a multiplicity of styles.
Don’tShoot Me I’m Only The Piano Player released in early 1973, came in the wake ofone of Elton’s signature hits, "Crocodile Rock"; also included on thealbum is the contrasting ballad "Daniel" (both Top Five entries).Don’t Shoot Me… was soon to be the No. 1 one album in both Britain and America(where it was the first of seven consecutive No. 1 albums, in Britain it wasthe first of four consecutive No. I’s). Although his albums continued to bereleased by DJM in the UK for the next few years, this was the year in whichElton John launched Rocket Records at a village railway station in the Englishcountryside. At the same time, in 1973 there was no doubting that Elton Johnbecome a global superstar.
Thiscollection presents Elton’s nascent talent at the very start of a trulylegendary career, demonstrating an unparalleled song writing prowess nowre-imagined by Pnau. The songs on the Elton vs Pnau album draw from as many assix different early Elton tracks, adding loops, samples and their own material.Elton himself is a huge fan of Pnau’s work allowing them to create thisrevolutionary new collection of compositions. Elton’s summer tour of Europewill include an appearance in Ibiza on July 2nd to promote the project withPnau including the single "Good Morning to the Night".
Eltonremains committed to his music and to touring, becoming more, rather than less,busy as time passes. In 2011 Elton returned to The Coliseum, Caesars Palace,Las Vegas with his all-new show, The Million Dollar Piano. In 2012 he returnedto the recording studio with producer T Bone Burnett and has toured North,Central and South America before returning to play in Europe.
1.Your Song 4:022.I Need You to Turn To 2:353.Take Me to the Pilot 3:474.No Shoe Strings on Louise 3:315.First Episode at Hienton 4:486.Sixty Years On 4:357.Border Song 3:228.The Greatest Discovery 4:129.The Cage 3:2810.The King Must Die 5:04
1.Ballad of a Well-Known Gun 4:592.Come Down in Time 3:253.Country Comfort 5:064.Son of Your Father 3:485.My Father's Gun 6:206.Where to Now St. Peter 4:117.Love Song 3:418.Amoreena 5:009.Talking Old Soldiers 4:0610.Burn Down the Mission 6:22
1.Tiny Dancer 6:152.Levon 5:223.Razor Face 4:444.Madman Across the Water 5:565.Indian Sunset 6:456.Holiday Inn 4:177.Rotten Peaches 4:568.All the Nasties 5:089.Goodbye 1:48
1.Honky Cat 5:132.Mellow 5:323.I Think I'm Going to Kill Myself 3:354.Susie (Dramas) 3:255.Rocket Man (I Think It's Going to Be a Long, Long Time) 4:456.Salvation 3:587.Slave 4:228.Amy 4:039.Mona Lisas and Mad Hatters 5:0010.Hercules 5:20
1.Daniel 3:542.Teacher I Need You 4:103.Elderberry Wine 3:334.Blues for Baby and Me 5:425.Midnight Creeper 3:556.Have Mercy on the Criminal 5:577.I'm Gonna Be a Teenage Idol 3:558.Texan Love Song 3:339.Crocodile Rock 3:5810.High Flying Bird 4:12
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