The PhoenixPhoenix Square
Midland Street
Box Office: 01162422800
General Enquiries: 01162422803Web:http://phoenix.org.uk/
Friday 15th JuneVisit the Phoenix website (link above and below) for allstart times and certification.

Awesome; I… Shot ThatOn Friday 4th May, the world of music and film suffered a tragicloss with the passing of Beastie Boy Adam "MCA" Yauch. Not only didAdam form part of one of the most influential and universally adored hip-hopgroups of all time, but through his company Oscilloscope Pictures securedAmerican distribution and audiences for such superb indie films as We Need totalk About Kevin and Exit through the Gift Shop. Join us on Friday 15th tocelebrate the life and work of Adam with a one-off screening of his fantasticaudience-shot documentary - filmed during a legendary sold-out Beastie Boysshow at Madison Square Garden. All profits from this screening will go to HopeAgainst Cancer: Leicestershire & Rutland's local cancer research charity.
FaustFollowing in the illustrious footsteps of Murnau and Svankmajer,Sokurov delivers his own unique take on the Faustian legend. It tells the taleof a professor in search of something to satisfy his listless soul. Tempted bythe local moneylender he becomes seduced by the promise of every kind ofreward, but at what cost? By turns baffling and beautiful, this voyage into thedark recesses of the human psyche is a work of immense texture and complexity,and is unlike anything you've seen before.
Moonrise KingdomOpening this year's Cannes festival, Wes Anderson gives us a lovestory with a difference. Set in the 1960s, Sam and Suzy decide to escape theconfines of their New England home to somewhere a little more exciting,prompting the local town of misfits to organise a search party. Can the couplebe tracked down before a brewing storm hits? With an outstanding ensemble castand Anderson's trademark visual charm, Moonrise Kingdom is an endearing andhilarious slice of effortless Indie cool.
The Life and Death of Colonel BlimpArriving after a thorough restoration supported by MartinScorsese, this Technicolor marvel is as bewitching as it is ravishing. In alifetime defined by war and conflict, the film traces (thorough a series offlashbacks) the exploits of loyal soldier Clive Wynne-Candy. Along the way wemeet the three loves of his life, all played by the radiant Kerr. Poking fun atoutdated virtues and reactionary bluster, this multi-layered, intimate epic nowlooks suspiciously like the greatest British film ever made.
Saturday 16th June

3 Idiots Two friends embark on a quest for a lost buddy. On this journey,they encounter a long forgotten bet, a wedding they must crash, and a funeralthat goes impossibly out of control.
Moonrise Kingdom(See above)
Mother India When Radha, the mother of an Indian village, is asked to open acanal she remembers her younger life. This classic film recounts her struggleto raise her sons whilst keeping her land and dignity after her family areconned by a corrupt money-lender. A timeless masterpiece.
Sunday 17th June

Moonrise Kingdom(See above)
Rang De Basanti A young woman from England comes to India to make a documentaryabout her grandfather's diary which was written in the 1920s about the IndianIndependence with five young men.
Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara Mumbai-based Kabir Dhiman, who comes from a wealthy buildingconstruction family, proposes to his long-time girlfriend, Natasha, much to thedelight of both their respective families. He then gets together with one oftwo of his close friends, Imran Habib, a writer by profession, and they contacttheir London-based financial broker friend, Arjun, to remind him of a pact oftraveling to Spain. The trio commence their long overdue trip not fullyrealizing that Arjun has still not forgiven Imran for his break-up with Sunani,while he himself regrets being dumped by Rohini, and must also compete withImran for the affections of gorgeous Deep Sea Diving Instructor, Laila; Kabirstruggles to accept life as Natasha's husband; and Imran must ready himself tomeet his biological father, Salman, who had abandoned him at birth.
The PhoenixPhoenix Square
Midland Street
Box Office: 01162422800
General Enquiries: 01162422803Web:http://phoenix.org.uk/
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