A new Diesel Park west album? Whatpossible benefit is such an item meant to bestow upon anyone be they bandmembers or the handful of devoted fans one would think are already content witha back catalogue seven albums strong. Even the era of the mildly curious buyerhas surely now evaporated into a sectarian musical lifeboat presided over bythe immovable force of corporate media and the vague shifting sands of whatused to be called fashion.
Well with album eight “Do Come InExcuse The Mess”, a title so loaded with metaphor even the most committed DPWdismissive might want to ponder for a minute, the answer to why this band stillexists might be here…..Each decade in rock n roll has seemed at the time as thedefining one, a view usually undone about halfway through the next. Couldanybody really have imagined prog followed by punk in say 1966? Its hard to becertain of course but most likely not. Even Revolver at the time was largelyreceived as another fab four album albeit with suddenly acid drenched guitarsbut still containing all the harmonic and melodic references attributed to themost famous people on earth…..
Diesel Park West first reallyemerged at the end of the eighties and even then were quickly zapped and rolledover by the Mancunian tsunami probably being expected to then fade away only toshow up on a “where are they now “ tv show or something equally depressinglypointless years later. Thing is, it just hasn’t happened that way. The Dieselhave always been useless at fitting into a predictable paper chase yet havemore often than not been pioneers and direction pointers for those who wouldfollow. Back in 88-89 their soaring yet earthbound sound was considered at oddswith contemporary tastes yet it rings out today with confidence and a deepgrasp of the now.
The opener here “Charlotte Its AllOver “ is as relevant a slice of the Haight resurrection any soul is likely torequire while the haunting “Not Broken” is basically a rebel song performedwithout the slightest hint of phoney victimhood instead being delivered withnatural English reserve and understated drama. Last Show In Town and ArthursSong (about Arthur Lee ) both take you exactly where you want to go withouteven knowing you want to go there.
There are ten songs on this albumall carrying within them evidence and witness to the durability and importanceof a band which has continued without any finger of fortune being pointed atit. Listen to this record and should you feel a beckoning or even goaded intoreviewing it then do so. People need to know they really do.
Songs written by John Butlergtr-vocals …Rick Willson guitar ….Geoff Beavan bass ….Rob Morris drums…additionalkeys Lee Backbeat. Recorded at Good Luck Studios Crystal Palace and D- Linestudios Leicester. Engineered by Adam Freakgene Ellis and Mark Wallis. Producedby John Butler and Chris Kimsey.
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