The 80-year-oldartist, and widow of John Lennon, said she was "deeply honoured" tobe directing the festival on its 20th anniversary.
The 10-dayevent includes concerts, DJ sets, talks, films and the visual arts.
Ono'scuratorship follows a major exhibition of her work at London's Serpentinegallery earlier this year.
She praised theevent's "great tradition of experimentalism mixed with classicism that hasmade the festival such an enduring part of the British arts landscape".
No line-up hasbeen announced, but the well-known peace activist is expected to focus onissues such as environmentalism and feminism.
"I am nowstarting to approach names from all over the world, some of whom you will knowand some who might be new to your world," said Ono. "Let the funbegin!"
The festivaltakes place at London's Southbank Centre from 14-23 June 2013.
Earlier thisyear, former Cocteau Twins singer Elizabeth Fraser made a rare concertappearance at the 2012 event, which was curated by Antony Hegarty, from Antonyand the Johnsons.
Ono herself wasinvited to appear at the festival in both 2009 and 2005, when it was curated byNew York punk singer Patti Smith. Other curators over the course of thefestival's 20-year history have included Morrissey and Nick Cave.
Source: BBC
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