Ham penned thelove song which has been covered by artists including Mariah Carey.
He was afounder of the band Badfinger and worked with Beatles star George Harrison.
The plaque isto be unveiled by his daughter, Petera, who was born a month after her fathertook his life in 1975.
The ceremony,in April 2013, is the city's tribute to the musician who died at the age of 27.
It is the firstplaque to be awarded since the scheme was launched in Swansea earlier this year.
In addition topenning Without You, Ham also wrote three of Badfinger's hits - No Matter What,Day After Day and Baby Blue.
The band'sfirst name was The Iveys, believed to refer to Ivey Place in Swansea, where itis thought they first held practices.
Badfingersigned to the Beatles' Apple label and enjoyed their biggest hit in 1970 with aPaul McCartney number, Come And Get It.
The blue plaquewill be unveiled near the entrance to Swansea's railway station on 27 April.
It will befollowed by a concert at Swansea's Grand Theatre featuring Bob Jackson fromBadfinger and Ron Griffiths and David Jenkins, two of The Iveys' originalline-up.
Petera Hamsaid: "I miss my father every day and I know that he will be there at theevent looking down on family and friends, as they sit in his beautiful Swanseaand listen to his music and honour his memory.
"I'mhonoured to represent my father at the event and I'd like to thank Swanseacouncil for the beautiful memorial plaque that they will install in honour ofhim."
Demo recordings
Nick Bradley,Swansea council cabinet member for regeneration, said: "Swansea isimmensely proud of Pete Ham and the blue plaque is a fitting tribute to one ofour finest musical talents.
"He was awonderfully gifted musician who wrote a series of hits and helped put Swanseaon the music map in the 1970s. His legacy lives on today through his worldwidehits and the fans who still revere The Iveys and Badfinger."
The Ham estateis to release some of his early demos recordings to raise money for Local AidChildren's Charity.
Badfingerbiographer and Ham estate representative Dan Matovina said: "Pete Ham wasnot just a wonderful musical talent, he was a wonderful, caring man.
"He lovedchildren and would visit orphanages and play with the children.
"He couldbe quite the jokester, and make them laugh or he'd play the mouth organ andjust entertain. He just wanted to brighten their day."
In 2004, aguitar given to Ham in 1969 by George Harrison fetched £294,000 ($570,000) atauction in New York.
Source: BBC
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