HopelessJack & The Handsome Devil – Shallow Hearts - Shallow Graves(Independent)

The invitingly titled “Shallow Hearts - ShallowGraves” hits the ground running. “Hopeless Love” boogies hard and fast, itsrelentless rhythmic shimmy would inspire even the most terminallyundemonstrative to shake a leg or two. On “Say My Name” Jack shows what a goodslide guitarist he is, and the fluidity of his style is matched by Pete’sunerring beat. They reach their pinnacle on the seven-plus minutes of “Ashley's Song”. Keyboards underpin their blues, afemale backing singer wails like she’s just stepped out of a Pink Floyd “DarkSide…” session, and the duo build the tension through layers of unyieldingguitar squall and walking rhythms. It’s an immense achievement, almostexhausting in its uncompromising stance. And when it ends, I generally play itagain.www.hopelessjack.comwww.facebook.com/hopelessjackwww.reverbnation.com/hopelessjackthehandsomedevilTony S.
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