Feleciaand the Dinosaur – In The Key Of Victory (Independent)

There’s a name for what Felecia and her band do, andit’s “Feminasty Folkabilly”. It’s how they describe themselves, and frankly, witha moniker like that, we’re not brave enough to argue. The Portland, Oregongroup (which quintessentially comprises of Felecia Campbell with her friends)play with plenty of punky attitude and aren’t afraid of treading on a few toesor, indeed, an eye-catching song title. They begin with “Americaw!”, a paean to thedowntrodden masses, played at a mix of tempos, with piano and guitar taking themusical strain – it’s a great start. On “Murder of Crows” a Polly Jean Harvey influence risesto the surface, which is always a good thing, and “Fu Tang Finds a Cure” brings out a slightly gentlerside, and is a perfect diversion, until the equally pristine title track turnsup with a string section, and between them, blow away all our predeterminednotions…www.feleciaandthedinosaur.comwww.facebook.com/feleciaandthedinosaur4everwww.feleciaandthedinosaur.bandcamp.comTony S.
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