Buzzcocks at Rock City Main HallSaturday 17th November 2012 Doors open: at 6:30pm
There are hardly any bands performing today thatgenuinely deserve the adjective ‘legendary’. Buzzcocks are one of those veryfew. Their achievements are staggering: one of the original holy trinity ofBritish punk (with the Sex Pistols and the Clash), innovators of theindependent record scene and genuine punk rock superstars who have been citedas inspirational by bands as diverse as REM, Nirvana and Green Day. Eightstudio albums, over twenty singles and EPs, a constellation of compilations,covers by other bands and songs on film soundtracks and advertisements have putBuzzcocks among the top echelons of British recording artists. A MojoInspiration award in 2006 is just one of the many accolades they have receivedfor their work.
Buzzcocks have been thrilling audiences for overthirty years. Once called ‘the Beatles of punk’, their music blends high-octaneguitar, bass and drum power with heartrending personal statements of love wonand lost or dismay at the modern world to create a unique catalogue ofunforgettable and immortal music – music they continue to deliver to fans oldand new around the world with undiminished passion and energy.
Buzzcocks have forged a unique relationship withtheir public and are deeply loved and revered by a global audience. They aresimultaneously true to their original ideals and open to new ideas – a happyresult of their own uncompromising and individual standing.
Over the years, generations of musicians have triedthe Buzzcocks methodology and have made their own variations of it. Most aregenerous in their thanks to the band that started it all. Those impressed bythe recent waves of 'punk' bands would do well to spend an afternoon withBuzzcocks' seminal pop treasure Singles Going Steady, consistently the band’sbiggest seller and a masterclass in genre-busting songcraft. This compilationof their first UK Top 40 hits is a classic album in every sense, an astoundingcollection of stunning moments such as ‘Orgasm Addict’, ‘What Do I Get?’ theanthemic ‘Harmony In My Head’ and, of course, the song that has become theircalling card: ‘Ever Fallen In Love With Someone (You Shouldn’t’ve Fallen InLove With?)’. These songs have been covered by dozens of groups in many styles,a testament to the originals' strengths not as slices of punk rock history butas examples of songwriting craft.
Buzzcocks are the true godfathers of punk-pop, havinglaid down that infinitely superior archetype. They are also a band with a past,present, and future. It is a history the group's members could never haveimagined back in the hot punk rock summer of '76. Says Pete Shelley:"Looking back on it now, what's going on is like echoes of the Big Bang.You look around you in society and the culture; so many things would not havebeen the same if there never was punk rock. It's strange; it's like a sciencefiction novel. But to us at the time, it just sprung naturally."
They're still doing it, better than anyone. Sometimesthe archetype is clearly the best. Buzzcocks – no. 1 in people’s hearts. Icons,superstars, legends.
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