ZachCaruso – Shades Of Blue (Independent)

The one cover, Bill Wither’s “Ain’t No Sunshine” ismuscular and burly, but doesn’t diminish the song in any way, and also providesa central point for the seven-track (38 min.) collection. As you can see,Caruso isn’t in any hurry and his songs benefit from the extended mixes. “PromisedLand” is a fine opening cut, with its biblical references and driving rhythm,and “I Am David” isjust as forceful and eloquent, and showcases his compelling guitar playing. “Come Now, My Enemy” calms thestorm, and “Blanket Of Snow” is almost delicate compared to the earlier tracks.Although “The State I'm In”goes some way to redress the balance, before the concluding title track bringsthings to an unruffled climax, that is, until Caruso blows away any remainingcobwebs with an extended, and quite brilliant, F.
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