Tuesday 25 June – LONDON – Hammersmith Apollo (£19.50) Tickets
Tickets go on-sale at 9am on Fridaymorning.
Asfor those end of year lists: 'Lonerism' is the Number 1 album in NME, Loud& Quiet and Filter, Number 6 in the Guardian, 10 in the Sunday Times andthe Fly, 11 in Uncut, 12 in MOJO, 13 in Clash, and the guys have just beennamed as Artrocker's International Band of the Year… Truly, Tame Impala are theband that have united the critics!
Inother news the official video for 'Feels Like We Only Go Backwards' hasnow clocked over 550,000 hits on youtube just a fortnight after being posted.Createdby animators Joe Pelling & Becky Sloan, it’s a hypercolourwave, a visual imprint of their sonic landscape, and totally Tame Impala. Click HERE to watch.
Critical acclaim for Lonerism, out nowon Modular Recordings:
“Sounds phase in and out, drums thunder,guitars chime with warm, valve amp bite, voices are multi-tracked into lusciousharmonies, loops repeat and vocals echo distantly. Parker has created agroove-based collection that packs in pop melodies.”NME - 9/10
“Lonerism displays an innate understanding of psychedelia, not leastin its balance between the beatific and the bleak. This is underpinned bygenuinely great songwriting and an innate pop sensibility.”The Guardian - 5 Stars *****
“Tame Impala are the sound of brave new worldsand sunlit uplands. The second album from the Perth band combines psychedelicpop and lush electronica more beautifully than anyone.”The Independent on Sunday – 4.5/5 (CD of theWeek)
“Stirring late-’60’s garage, vintagepsychedelia, prog, jittery post-rave, electronica, The Beatles and The BeachBoys into one brain-blending brew. Cosmic.”Uncut - 8/10
“Lonerism it might be, but on this form Tame Impala are about to make awhole lot of newfriends.”MOJO - 4 Stars ****
“Tame Impala are truly the embodiment ofthe outdoor festival. Equal parts power pop, psych and thundering rhythms, theAustralian trio’s music is a perfect union of main stage, dance tent and 5amfreak zone.”Q Magazine - 4 Stars ****
“A kaleidoscopic paint bomb of melody,texture and repetition. Guitar pop doesn’t get much better.”The Fly - 4 Stars ****
“vintage keyboard hums add to shiftingmelodies and sunshine harmonies. Multi-layered and seductive.”The Times – 4 Stars ****
“Hypno-grooving at its best”Clash - 9/10
“Deluge after deluge of heady, undulatingmelody and rolling, hypnotic grooves.”Crack Magazine - 18/20
“An absolutely amazing and inspiringrecord”DIY - 9/10
“Thissecond album’s aural armoury favours shape-shifting synthesised lullabies andmesmerising melodic explosions.”The Mirror - 4 Stars ****
“Thenine tracks meld luxuriously into each other, providing one mind-consuming blurof spaced-out synths, driving drum loops and dazed, dreamy vocals.”The Sun – 4 Stars ****
“Be ready for glowing harmonies anddistant excursions into a world of acid-fuelled indulgence. Give it time, andit’ll release itself.”Live - 4 Stars ****
“A masterclass. Beneath all the dazzlingsoundscapes songwriter Kevin Parker never forgets the power of a strong tune”The Observer
“Just about the most psychedelic soundaround.”Sunday Times
“Lonerismexplodes with finger-shredding fretwork, spaced-out vocals and groggy grooves”Shortlist
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