Life InWinter – S/T (Independent)

In fact, pretty much the first thing you’ll hear ontheir debut is blended vocals. The trio of singers, Reynolds, Sheenah Ko andRich White have all the rich compatibility of a sibling troupe, and while wordsmithReynolds is usually to be found at the front of the mix, it’s the interactionbetween the three where much of the magic happens. To reiterate, opening track“Flight” begins with a harmonious sweep ofvoices, and the effect is almost choral, before guitars and keyboards add‘rock’ structure. It’s an elegant launch to a record that repeatedly hitspolished highs. One of those is the outstanding “LoneRider”. Delivered with pace, it’s propelled by a combination of needlesharp guitar and Reynolds’ uncompromising vocal. I could listen to it all day,and may just do so. S.
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