3 Ekim 2012 Çarşamba

Review: Patrick Ellis – Under The Influence

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PatrickEllis – Under The Influence (Independent)Patrick ‘Bluefrog’ Ellis earned his blues nicknamewhen stationed with the US Navy in Germany. He was a diver by day and abluesman by night, playing gigs at local expat bars. His recording career goesback to 2005 with the release of the “Soulful Of Blues” album, and althoughhe’s taken seven years to release its follow-up, he’s been busy, playing livewherever possible, headlining his own shows and opening for major blues artistslike Robert Cray.
The title “Under The Influence” refers to the artistswho have inspired him to make music. As a bluesman who sings, writes, playsguitar and harmonica, there’s no shortage of musicians who fit the bill. Helists a range of artists, from Little Walter and Sonny Boy Williamson, toStevie Ray Vaughan and Keith Richards, and it’s the latter pairing that providesthe easiest frame of reference. “Under The Influence” is a feisty hybrid ofblues and rock; Ellis is an accomplished musician, and his band is equally skilled,with plenty of experience. Standout tracks are copious: “Steam Heat” is anupbeat grinder with Ellis on exceptional harmonica form – the Red Devils’ “KingKing” recording springs to mind. “Mercury Blues” is full of character, andfeatures a fierce chugging riff and an aged vocal effect, like it’s emergingfrom an old valve wireless in 1959, and they do a great job on The MightyFlyers’ “Love Doctor”, with lead guitarist John Flynn in particularly finefettle.www.bluefrogblues.comRob F.

Patrick Ellis: Under the Influence

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