It haspreviously been illegal in the UK to rip songs from a CD to a digital player ortransfer eBooks, music, films and games from one device to another.
But people willstill not be allowed to share the copies with others.
BusinessSecretary Vince Cable said the move was "not only common sense but goodbusiness sense".
"Bringingthe law into line with ordinary people's reasonable expectations will boostrespect for copyright, on which our creative industries rely," he said.
"We feelwe have struck the right balance between improving the way consumers benefitfrom copyright works they have legitimately paid for, boosting businessopportunities and protecting the rights of creators."
But musiciansand songwriters complained that they will lose out.
The Musicians'Union and British Academy of Songwriters, Composers and Authors said all otherEuropean countries with a similar law also have some form of levy on items likeblank CDs and media players to compensate creators.
Musicians'Union general secretary John Smith said: "We feel strongly that the lackof fair compensation will significantly disadvantage creators and performers inrelation to the vast majority of their EU counterparts.
"Why wouldthe UK government want to discriminate against its own creators, particularlysince the creative economy is one of the consistent areas of economic growth?"
The change inthe law will also make it easier for teachers to use copyright materials oninteractive whiteboards, for people to make parodies of copyrighted works andfor writers to quote other sources.
Source: BBC
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